Sep 8, 2023Liked by Sara Roi Ferguson

I didn't know you loved school/art supplies! (Really enjoyed the description of the supply store in Chicago - swoon!) you might enjoy perusing JetPens (fun YouTube videos, too!)


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Oh yes I do! I rely on Jet Pens for sure; thanks for adding this rec. But there’s nothing like a good brick-and-mortar.

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Agreed! Brick and mortar, please & thank you

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Sara Roi Ferguson

Love this, Sars! Avy asked to go back to school shopping before leaving for NYC, but I think she was mainly in it for the clothes! (Although the girl does love a good notebook.)

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She should go back-to-school shopping IN New York.

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Oh Sara -- this is a charmer for sure. I have such fond memories of back-to-school shopping, some from as recently as last year! Neither will my kids accept the binder dividers I got for them. They just don't get it, but now I'm inspired to take myself back-to-office shopping!!

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And yes, definitely take yourself back-to-work shopping! Target is a good place. They have really nice (albeit mass-produced) art for your office walls.

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I had a seventh grade math teacher, Mrs. Schulte, who was less than 5 feet tall and tough as a sergeant. She taught us how to properly organize a three ring binder in sections with dividers. She would test our organization with a gesture she called the “Schulte shake,”which is when she would at random pick up your three ring binder, open it and turn it upside down, and shake the binder to make sure no papers fell out. We had to be stocked up on those little adhesive hole reinforcers, as well as a three hole punch. I loved her.

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I'll add Case for Making for art supplies - a small business out in SanFrancisco - best watercolor paints

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